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Greek Alphabet / 希腊字母表及其罗马化


Greek letter English name Romanization (Classical Greek) Romanization (Modern Greek)
希腊字母 英语名称 古希腊语罗马化 现代希腊语罗马化
Α, α alpha A, a A, a
Β, β beta B, b V, v
Γ, γ gamma G, g G, g
Δ, δ delta D, d D, d
Ε, ε epsilon E, e E, e
Ζ, ζ zeta Z, z Z, z
Η, η eta Ē, ē Ē, ē
Θ, θ theta Th, th Th, th
Ι, ι iota I, i I, i
Κ, κ kappa K, k K, k
Λ, λ lambda L, l L, l
Μ, μ mu M, m M, m
Ν, ν nu N, n N, n
Ξ, ξ xi X, x X, x
Ο, ο omicron O, o O, o
Π, π pi P, p P, p
Ρ, ρ rho R, r R, r
Σ, σ (ς)1 sigma S, s S, s
Τ, τ tau T, t T, t
Υ, υ upsilon U, u Y, y
Φ, φ phi Ph, ph F, f; Ph, ph2
Χ, χ chi Ch, ch Ch, ch
Ψ, ψ psi Ps, ps Ps, ps
Ω, ω omega Ō, ō Ō, ō
1 Used at the end of a word. (用在词尾). 2 ALA-LC.


When certain letters are combined the resulting combination is romanized in a special way.

Greek letters Romanization
希腊字母 罗马化
γγ ng
γκ nk
γξ nx
γχ nch
μπ1 b
ντ2 d

1The normal romanization is mp. The special form is only used if the combination of mu and pi in Modern Greek represents the B sound in loanwords and foreign proper names (The letter beta is pronounced as English V in modern Greek).

2The normal romanization is nt. The special form is only used if the combination of nu and tau in Modern Greek represents the D sound in loanwords and foreign proper names (The letter delta is pronounced as English TH in the in Modern Greek).

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update 2/14/2004